
Sunday, December 31, 2000

Seasonal Turf Facts

If you have irrigated fescue turf be prepared to turn your irrigation on as the temperatures rise. Also not a good idea to fertilize beyond April because the likelihood of disease outbreaks increase with too much nitrogen. If you have to fertilize go with a very low rate. If greening up is the concern you may want to consider an iron application.

THIS DOES NOT APPLY TOO WARM SEASON TURF SUCH AS BERMUDA, ST AUGUSTINE, CENTIPEDE, ZOYSIA, ETC however remember who will be the one mowing unless you like mowing 2X per week. Ideally though you should wait until your warm season turf snaps out of dormancy prior to fertilizing or applying your weed control products.

Rule of thumb........ Warm season should be fertilized when it's warm outside and cool season when it's cool outside.

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