
Friday, June 29, 2012

Bagworm Infestations

Be on the lookout for bagworm outbreaks in your landscape. These insects are extremely prolific and cause a tremendous amount of damage to your trees and shrubs.

Most professionals recommend pulling each one off by hand and placing them in a bag of some sort prior to disposing of somewhere far away from the garden. Once you have removed them it is still not a bad idea to spray the tree or shrub with an all seasons dormant oil. Be sure to read the label and make sure that you use a product that is labeled for use during the growing season.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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Location:Salmon Creek Ln,,United States

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tree Work

Tree contractor removing and trimming about 40 mature oaks and maples for us on one of our properties in Norlina, NC.

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Location:Norlina Pines Dr,Norlina,United States